Moving Forward
Here we are in February and things for the Carnegie are moving right along. The Board voted on making the ADA accessible entrance be at the front of the building. Our other option was to go along the side of the building along the pathway and in through the back yard. We are really excited to get this going and we are so grateful to the City of Auburn for their cooperation and assistance.
We are signed up for the Big Day of Giving and are thrilled to be amongst so many wonderful non-profit organizations.
We have social media! Through the help of Becca Z., we are on Facebook and Instagram ( (
- find us and follow us to keep up on all of the latest happenings and pictures.
There’s also a great article about us in the Auburn Journal with our new President, Alexia Retallack at ( As always, our Board is evolving and we embrace the change in position and duties.
We continue to work on raising money to help this project come to fruition - and we have been gifted with grants and donations and are very appreciative.
We look forward to sharing more exciting news about the upcoming construction to our graceful building - she is looking forward to the restoration, too, no doubt.